22ND ICC Miami Conference On International Arbitration

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This is our delegation of arbitration experts who attended #ICCMiami. They engaged in discussions on the latest trends and developments in the field and provided invaluable insights.

We are committed to transforming legal challenges into opportunities by guiding clients through complex legal landscapes.

If you’re attending the event, our team would be thrilled to connect with you:
Róger Guevara Alejandro Solares M Rafael Maldonado Estuardo Marchena Luis Felipe Riveros

Noticias Relacionadas

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Taller Mediadores - ALTA Legal
Alejandro Del Valle - APPI

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Avenida de las Américas, calle 68 Sabana Business Center, piso 12 San José
T. (+506) 4036 2000
E. costarica@altalegal.com


Diagonal 6, 10-01 Zona 10 Centro Gerencial Las Margaritas, Torre II, Oficina 302 A Guatemala
T. (+502) 2327 4646
E. guatemala@altalegal.com


Final del paseo General Escalón Colonia Escalón, número 5682 San Salvador
T. (+503) 2527 2400
E. elsalvador@altalegal.com


Avenida República de Costa Rica, colonia Lomas del Mayab Penthouse, Edificio Torre Mayab Tegucigalpa
T. (+504) 2232 1181
E. honduras@altalegal.com

